vendredi, juin 11, 2010

A Growing Family

La famille grandit à vue d'oeil et les oisillons sont affamés en permanence. La visite d'un oiseau de proie nous laisse avec 3 oisillons qui ne vont pas tarder à quitter le nid.
Ces photos ont été prises entre le 5 et le 10 Juin.

 The robins are growing and starting to spread their wings. Out of four we now have three remaining in the nest.
A hawk came by a few days ago creating pandemonium in the backyard and after watching the parents bravely defending their brood  for an entire day we notice the next morning that one baby had disappeared....

These photos were taken between June 5 and June 10 and show how quickly the brood is growing. It won't be long before they spread their wings !

samedi, juin 05, 2010

Un Nid Bien Rempli or A Full Nest !

En deux jours notre famille de " squatter " s'est agrandie. Avec quatre oeufs dans le nid, il y a 48 heures nous avions deux oisillons et aujourd'hui ils sont quatre !

Our family of robins is growing. We started with 4 eggs a little more than  two weeks ago and in the last 48 hours 4 babies have hatched. On one of the pictures you can actually see a hole in one of the eggs !