jeudi, décembre 08, 2011

Une Tradition Lyonnaise / A Lyon Tradition

Chaque année, le 8 Décembre, Lyon célèbre la Fête des Lumières.


Each year, on the 8th day of December, the city of Lyon celebrates the Festival of Lights. The tradition started in 1643 when Lyon was struck by the plague. The city promised to pay tribute to the Virgin Mary if the town was spared and every year since a procession and offerings are held at the Basilica of Notre Dame de Fourvière.

Here is a video of the 2009 procession.

La montée aux flambeaux de la colline de Fourvière.

To this day, the tradition dictates that every family in Lyon place a collection of colored or clear votives glasses filled with candles on the windowsills of their houses or apartments.

Les lumignons que les Lyonnais déposent à leurs fenêtres.

Lately the Lyon City Hall organizes a professionally run festival throughout the city.

To know more about the Lyon Festival of Lights:

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