mercredi, décembre 15, 2010

Wednesdays City Hall Farmers Market

It was a beautiful day to spend downtown, a tad windy but sunny so let's not complain. 
After all we are in the middle of December.

Laura and I visited the new Farmers Market located around the reflecting pool in front of City Hall.

Une belle journée à Houston pour visiter le nouveau marché devant la Mairie. 
 Grassfed beef from Waller was selling for $500 / half a beef. 
Do you have to pick up your order or do they deliver ???
We'll have to ask next time.
 Conventionally and organically grown fresh produce .

Even some nice folks selling farm fresh eggs from free range chickens: we saw some pics of the chickens who looked quite happy and free roaming..... and, some Texas Hill Country olive growers from Dripping Springs were there.
O.K, those olives are picked by hand and turned into oil on the very same day !

We bought some veggies, eggs and of course could not pass the olive oil, then went to eat in one of the newest downtown park where some artists were singing, break dancing and an elf was juggling 
on a nearby sidewalk.

Jumbo TV included...
Another great day in H-Town !

dimanche, novembre 07, 2010

The International Quilt Festival

The Festival international du Quilt 
s'est tenu à Houston cette semaine et ferme ses portes ce soir. 
Des milliers de visiteurs sont venus admirer les quilts 
exposés dans le centre de convention Georges R. Brown à Houston  .

Cliquez sur le lien ci dessous pour voir plus de photos mises sur ma page flickr.

The International Quilt Festival 
was held at the Gorges R. Brown convention center this week
and closes its doors tonight.
Thousands of visitors came to admire the many quilts on display and shop at the numerous booths selling  everything quilters need .
The Best of Show was created by a quilter from Arizona.

We could barely get near it.....

The Founders Award quilt was more traditional

The World of Beauty Award went to an Australian Quilter

Here are a few of my favorites

 The visiting crowds were huge, enthusiastic, and ready to shop ....

By the end of the day many were exhausted and in pain.....

But fun was had by all.

On our way home we saw a truck with the best bumper sticker 
" This driver carries NO cash.... His wife is a quilter ! "

 Click on the link below to visit my flickr pages and see more photos.

Dia de los Muertos

Les classes d'Espagnol présentent leurs projets 
qui célèbrent la fête mexicaine de
Dia de los Muertos.

The McCullough Junior High Spanish classes present their projects.
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vendredi, juin 11, 2010

A Growing Family

La famille grandit à vue d'oeil et les oisillons sont affamés en permanence. La visite d'un oiseau de proie nous laisse avec 3 oisillons qui ne vont pas tarder à quitter le nid.
Ces photos ont été prises entre le 5 et le 10 Juin.

 The robins are growing and starting to spread their wings. Out of four we now have three remaining in the nest.
A hawk came by a few days ago creating pandemonium in the backyard and after watching the parents bravely defending their brood  for an entire day we notice the next morning that one baby had disappeared....

These photos were taken between June 5 and June 10 and show how quickly the brood is growing. It won't be long before they spread their wings !

samedi, juin 05, 2010

Un Nid Bien Rempli or A Full Nest !

En deux jours notre famille de " squatter " s'est agrandie. Avec quatre oeufs dans le nid, il y a 48 heures nous avions deux oisillons et aujourd'hui ils sont quatre !

Our family of robins is growing. We started with 4 eggs a little more than  two weeks ago and in the last 48 hours 4 babies have hatched. On one of the pictures you can actually see a hole in one of the eggs !

dimanche, mai 16, 2010

Museum of Fine Arts Houston

Quelques photos prises au Musée de l'Art.

An afternoon at the MFAH where I saw the visiting whirling dervish ( sorry, no cameras allowed ) and the exhibit on the Sufis.

dimanche, mai 09, 2010


Hier, Samedi 8 Mai, la ville de Houston a célébré pour la 23ième fois la créativité des artistes locaux.  Organisée par le centre d' Arts visuels de Houston la parade a eu lieu Samedi, mais le week-end entier a fêté l'occasion. Voici quelques photos prises hier .

Le grand maréchal Dan Akroyd ( Blues Brothers, Ghostbusters )
et notre maire Annise Parker.

Can you see Volkswagen Beetles ????

The Birthday Cake Car

Même les danseuses du ventre étaient au rendez-vous. Oma, mieux que les vidéos de chez Droubi's ??
Looks like the videos being played at the local Lebanese deli on Hillcroft
but these ladies are real !

Let's not ask.....

Pas de SMS au volant Y'all !
No texting while driving, that's a surprise.

Pour Pierre, the Rasta Car......

Pour le dentiste.....

Le ridicule ne tue pas....
What Ever.....

Go Highlanders !!!!!

N'oublions pas l'escargot.....
To warm a french heart....