Bloggers unite!
I enjoy having a blog but what I love most is to follow other blogs.
Some are well known and have millions of followers.
Others are lesser known and often have a lot more to offer.
Every Monday I will try to feature a blog that I find interesting.
Une amie, son merveilleux jardin et ses talents.
Jardiner dans la région de Houston demande beaucoup de patience et les résultats sont souvent tristes.
Joeby a un blog qui risque de vous plaire.
Il est en Anglais mais plein de bonnes idées et recettes.
N'hésitez pas à visiter son blog:
"Vendredis Dans le Jardin De Joeby"
Joeby has such a blog, and I cannot wait to see her messages pop up in my inbox every week.
The name of her blog is:
"Fridays In the Garden with Joeby"
and I think you will like her posts as much as I do.
Joeby is a fellow Houstonian and one of the most creative persons I have met.
She is also a great cook and a fantastic gardener!
Let me start with her gardening talents.
If you live in the northern suburbs of Houston you know it is quite a challenge to keep your garden thriving through those hot and muggy summer months.
If you can do it you are working miracles!
When asked how she does it Joeby claims "it's all about having good soil, good drainage and proper irrigation. That's all." Maybe….
I let you be the judge but I think there is an other reason besides proper planning or having a green thumb. It has everything to do with love.
As I mentioned earlier Joeby is also a great cook.
(After all, she has all those yummy veggies to work with so I guess she has to be….)
; > )
She is always willing to share her recipes and I know you will enjoy them as much as I do.
Sugared cranberries just in time for Thanksgiving.
She is a talented decorator and crafter as well.
So, if you have a moment make sure you visit Joeby's blog.
My meager crop…...
Mes pauvres haricots verts….
Joeby's crop!
I definitely need a gardening lesson!!