Yesterday, with a few friend I embarked on a special trip to San Marcos. To the Outlet Mall. To the "Premium Outlets Mall" to be precise. And there lies my dilemma. How on earth am I going to translate and describe the experience to my family and friends living on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean?
So first I googled the term and found the correct translation: un centre commercial discount.
That was easy!
But let's not forget we are in Texas and we all know everything is bigger and better in Texas!
I guess a few photos will help.
Comment ai-je pu vivre plus de 30 ans aux Etats Unis sans avoir mis les pieds dans un " Outlet Mall"? Google me dit que le terme français est " un centre commercial discount ". Mais nous sommes au Texas et comme tout le monde sait, en général le Texas voit grand!
Comme vous vous en doutez l'excursion est bien organisée. Nous sommes 4 et Diane a pris les choses en main. Rendez vous chez elle à 7h. frappante. Elle sera notre chauffeur pour les 3h30 de trajet entre Houston et San Marcos. Mais avant de prendre la route il faut avoir un plan d'action et surtout imprimer des bons de ristournes. Heureusement Diane a de l'expérience et elle nous indique le pourquoi et le comment de l'affaire:
"Visitez le site internet, imprimez vos bons de réductions sans oublier celui qui vous permettra d'obtenir un livret de bons supplémentaires."
Now, I have to confess this was my first "Large Outlet Mall" experience ever! I couldn't wait and luckily I had some excellent guides.
It was decided that Diane would drive the 3+ hour trip from Houston to San Marcos. We were to meet at her house at 7AM sharp. But before the fun even started we had to prepare thoroughly .
Here is what our expert in charge suggested we do:
Go on-line to and sign up for the VIP Club. You will need to tell it which outlet(s) you are interested in. Once you are a VIP Club member (free) you can view and select which coupons you are interested in. Make sure you check box and get the coupon for the VIP coupon book (yes, a coupon for a coupon book….) that has different coupons than the ones on-line. We will go to customer service and get that before we start shopping."
Bons de réductions en mains nous avons commencé nos emplettes dans le magasin Brighton, puis dans celui de Vera Bradley, Clark's, Ralph Lauren etc, etc, etc....
Vers 12h45, le coffre de la voiture était déjà bien rempli et la faim nous tenaillait l'estomac.
Ceci dit, avis à la population. Les restaurants sont tous du genre "fast food" et croyez moi, on mange mieux sur l'autoroute A6 qu'à San Marcos! Mais là encore, on ne va pas à San Marcos pour faire un bon gueuleton.
Arrêt rapide: une tranche de pizza bien grasse pour l'une, des sandwichs Subway pour les autres, le tout arrosé d'un verre de thé glacé.
On bouge la voiture: on est au Texas, au mois de Juillet ne l'oubliez pas!
Et c'est reparti.
Crate & Barrel, Carter, Converse, Nike, J.Crew......
Coupons in hand we started our quest for bargains. First we stopped at the Brighton store, then the Vera Bradley store, then the Clark's store, then we glanced at the Ralph Lauren's displays then... then...then...
By 12:45 we had already dropped a few bags in the trunk of the car and were famished.
Word of caution.
There are no good places to eat in this outlet mall. Don't forget you are not there to eat but shop!
So after a quick stop at the food court for a slice of pizza, some 6" sandwiches from Subway and tall iced teas, we moved the car-- hey, it's Texas and it's hot in July-- and started shopping again.
Crate and Barrel, Carter, Converse, Nike, J.Crew......
16h. Pause glaces.
Phew! By 4 PM we had enough and it was time to stop for some refreshments.
Nous ne sommes pas les seules fanas du shopping...
We are not alone....
On rempli le coffre de la voiture une fois de plus et direction Houston.
Back to the car for the long return trip to Houston.
Douze heures, quatre copines, beaucoup de rires, un compte en banque presque vide, des maris inquiets (au boulot), des enfants affamés ( à la maison), une belle journée dans le sud texan!
Twelve hours, four good friends, lots of fun, empty checkbooks, worried husbands (at work), hungry children (left at home), a great day in South Texas!
Phil's text message @ 10AM
"Happy hunting".
Phil's welcome @ 7:45PM
"Are we poor?"
@ 8PM
"Nothing for me!"