vendredi, septembre 23, 2011

The Dreaded Mums Are Back !

Life near the Piney Woods of east Texas can be full of discoveries and every Fall a strange ritual takes place. Homecoming ! For foreigners or people new to the area it is a puzzling sight. What the heck are those silk mums with ribbons and streamers hanging down doing in the floral department of the local grocery stores? Little did we know then that this was just the beginning of a long quest for many mothers, especially those who have boys, and like me are completely clueless about what to do with the darn things.

So please, let me enlighten you....

First you start with the canvas, i.e the plain mum with ribbons which, depending on the size, one flower to three flowers will cost you between $45 and $100. Then you have to add stuff to it, a lot of of stuff! The more the better and trust me you can never have enough: teddy bears, trinkets, bells, whistles, lights, mini games, candy, more ribbons, glitter..... So, with blood pressure rising, you start driving around town to find those priceless gems: Michael's, Hobby Lobby, Walmart, CVS and nearly have a heart attack when you get to the cash register, realizing that your credit card is about to catch on fire. But wait! That's not over.  Your son's girlfriend is a cheerleader ? Well, you have to find some cheerleading related trinkets. She plays volleyball ? You have to find the perfect mini plastic volleyball to glue to the ribbons. If you have a swimmer to decorate for, keep on looking for the picking is slim. Maybe a pair or swim goggles, but it has to be painted to match the school colors. Then you have to spell their names in glittering letters and add something witty.
 Luckily there are stores that open just during homecoming season where you can find those priceless gems . 

O.K, so you have all that you need a week before the date. You feel good, empowered, your glue gun is ready and you have purchased enough glue sticks to fix the roof. Your dining room table is covered with junk, the dog is not allowed to get near it, and your husband is wondering what's for dinner. But hey, things are going smoothly. You are an educated woman, you went through the rigors of college and you know you can do this. So you create this masterpiece and show it proudly to your child who has one thing to say :
 " mom it needs more crap on it ! "

 That's when you have a choice of options :
a ) You totally lose it and start yelling.
 b ) You break down crying.
 c ) You calmly walk to the kitchen, open the refrigerator and hope that bottle of wine is still there.

 But regardless, you know you'll be driving around town the next day to add more stuff to it.

The day of the mum exchange is upon you and, after having taken many pictures documenting your achievement,  your child proudly sets off to bring your masterpiece to his date. You sit down,  proud, happy, relieved it's Mission Accomplished. Then reality sets in and you realize what this strange rite has financially set you back. 

But wait, it's not over ! 
This is Thursday and the mum is only worn at school and during the game on Friday. The best is yet to come..... The dance, the limo rental, the dress or suit, the dinner at some fancy restaurant, the professional photos, the after dance party at someone's house .....

 Years later, with the kids out on their own, you go grocery shopping one day in September, and there they are.
 But this time you smile and know that  you won't have to deal with them .

Yep, the dreaded mums are back !!!

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