mercredi, septembre 14, 2011

A Gardener She Is Not... ou... Les Mésaventures d'un Jardinier Texan

As you may have heard it has been a long tough dry summer on the Texas Gulf coast and after breaking heat records we are now under extreme fire alert conditions. Even the French media has covered our plight and reported the many battles our local firefighters have been engaged in.
We are also under severe water restrictions and while some of our neighbors have been able to maintain healthy near pristine lawns, it has not been the case at #26. Phil, who is in charge of supervising the well being of our lawn accuses the heat and some unseen bugs for the dismal look of our lawn.  Responsible for the planters and the minuscule patch of dirt I am fond ( or delusional enough ) to call a " veggie patch ", I have to report that I have utterly failed for they both look pretty pathetic. I will admit I could have been a little more pro-active with the water hose ...
( Traduction française au bas de la page )


This once was a healthy Meyer lemon tree....

A dear friend wisely mentioned recently " you can't kill a rosemary bush "...... Well guess what      Cindy, one of your "lunch bunch " friend sure can !

All these pots may look quite sad but being an optimist I can claim all is not completely lost.

The Italian oregano is clinging to life........

The " herb garden " is not completely gone. By the way, the thriving plant in the back is an African basil. How fitting !

And the lone Serrano chile plant (which caused a visit from the local police ... ) is doing quite well.

I will admit I have nearly killed the Mint....

... and my mom once told me : " don't plant mint in the ground, for you won't be able to get rid 
of it later . " Ha !

But I can always count on my little patch of French oregano which refuses to call it quits,  and
 if you look closely you can see some new growth here and there.

Well, that pretty much sums up the Bedaw's gardening talent. This being a long post I won't bore you with photos of the lawn, but Fall is right around the corner with cool days to come, so we all can say we have survived another tough Texas summer.

Un été texan de plus et celui de 2011 a été long et particulièrement chaud. Les records de chaleur datant de 1900 ont été battus et les pompiers locaux essayent d'éteindre les feux qui touchent plusieurs comtés entre Austin et Houston. Le jardin familial n'a pas échappé à la sécheresse et entre la pelouse, les quelques fleurs et les fines herbes plantées au Printemps le résultat est pathétique.

Le romarin, l'origan et les citronniers ont rendu l'âme. La menthe qui, dixit Oma " est dure à cuire et quasi impossible à tuer " bat de l'aile et les quelques rescapés, le pied de basilique africain ( pas étonnant.. ) et l'estragon français ( le pied d'estragon texan soit disant natif et aimant la chaleur ayant disparu au bout d'un mois.. ) ne sont pas des plus vigoureux. Reste le pied de piment Serrano qui reprend du poil de la bête et est en fleurs.

Phillip, responsable du bien être de la pelouse ( maintenant défunte ) accuse la chaleur et les insectes. Responsable du jardin "potager - fines herbes- etc... " j'avoue que j'aurais pu arroser un peu plus souvent, mais après tout nous sommes sous restrictions d'eau et, en tant que bonne citoyenne, je suis les décrets des autorités.

Mais restons optimiste car l'automne ne saurait tarder et avec l'air frais venant du Canada la famille texanne va pouvoir retaper le jardin !

Température aujourd'hui aux Woodlands : 39.4 degrees Celsius !
Dixit la météo, la température à Tempe, Arizona : 34.4 degrés Celsius avec des nuages et quelques orages.....
C'est le monde à l'envers !!!!!

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