mercredi, février 29, 2012

Project 52 / Week 9

This week's theme : A Great Leap

"Bib & Bling"
She may be slow, but this French gal has to look good!

Ten months ago I decided to start running. 
I must confess I have always hated running. What was I thinking? I couldn't even run across the street without huffing and puffing. 
Living in south Texas I also selected the worse time of year to embark upon such an endeavor, but my goal was small.
Run a 5K. Finish it. That's all. Done.
I bought an "App" and started running at 5 AM to avoid the heat but also to avoid looking pathetic to anyone in our neighborhood. Darkness was my friend.

In June, Jeff Galloway was in town. After meeting him and the local members of his running program I decided to join them. 
Beware, they are a positive bunch!
Within hours I had signed up for the Woodlands' Half Marathon.
The "half"group started running together in early November and this Saturday I will try to achieve the "Great Leap" I was talked into many months ago: 
run 13.1 miles.

I have no time goal, I just want to finish... standing up!

And who knows, if on Monday morning I can still walk , I may sign up for the next challenge.
Run a marathon for my 60th birthday.

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge

lundi, février 27, 2012

So Funny I Had to Share!

I received this post from France this morning and I had to share.

 The silent movie, "The Artist", won 10 Oscar nominations. 
Needless to say it's a first for a French film!

Obviously, everybody likes the French when they keep their mouth shut!

Merci Lauren !

Sweet Shot Monday / La Photo du Lundi

Who needs Oscar when you have Clutch ?

Clutch, la mascote de l'équipe de basketball pro de Houston ( les Houston Rockets ) surprend quelques joueuses de l'école McCullough.
En fait, il est venu chanter " Happy Birthday " à une petite / grande veinarde...

Sorry, L.A, the Woodlands are "way cooler " !!!!

Faut pas croire mais aux Woodlands on est "cool " !

samedi, février 25, 2012

Le Rodéo de Houston / Rodeo Time

You know the start of the annual Houston Rodeo is just around the corner when you see such displays at your friendly neighborhood Kroger.

Vous savez que la période du rodéo approche quand vous voyez ces étalages dans votre épicerie de quartier.
Chaque année la ville de Houston fête la culture texane avec le plus grand rodéo des Etats-Unis. Pendant 3 semaines, quelques 26,000 bénévoles organisent, dirigent, supervisent les compétitions et festivités et vente de bétail 24 heures sur 24.
Pour en savoir plus visitez le lien ci dessous, ( en anglais ).

Bien sûr, qui dit rodéo dit aussi chili, barbecue, Fritos® pies, bière... et queso !

Recette du Queso
1 paquet (450 gm) de fromage américain Velveeta
1 boîte de tomates concassées avec des piments ( Rotel )

Coupez le fromage en petits cubes.
Ajoutez la boîte de Rotel.
Faire chauffer au four micro-onde pendant 3 minutes .
Remettre au four pendant 2 à 3 minutes.
Servir avec de chips ou des crudités

Pour ceux qui sont intéressés par la cuisine texane, visitez le blog culinaire d'une Texane expatriée à New-York!

Chaque année des milliers de cavaliers retracent la route que leurs ancêtres prenait pour arriver à Houston. 
On les appelle les " Trail Riders".
Ils viennent des quatre coins du Texas et certains passent plus de 3 semaines sur leur monture, campant chaque soir au bord de la route avant d'atteindre Houston.

Une fois arrivés ils se retrouvent tous dans le Parc de Memorial pour une dernière nuit de repos avant le défilé annuel qui a lieu dans le centre de Houston.

Come on Y'All ! Man up and taste the experience indeed!

vendredi, février 24, 2012

Project 52 / Week 8

Week 8 : February 19 - February 25

Cabin Fever

Is it Spring Training yet ??

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge

dimanche, février 19, 2012

Sweet Shot Monday / La Photo du Lundi

Meet Lupe.

A pure bred American Shelter Dog.

Life with a puppy can be full of surprises....

vendredi, février 17, 2012

Project 52 / Week 7

Week 7 : February 12 - February 18

This week's theme 


 I did not take this photo but to me it represents many years of true love.
Together they shared the ups and downs of life for 48 years.
He passed away 13 years ago and she misses him daily.

My parents on their wedding day

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge

Vera Bradley Mania!/Sacs Vera Bradley

I have been seriously addicted to the Vera Bradley bags for quite some times. So addicted in fact that I will not divulge how many purses, bags, coin purses, key rings... I own.
Now I see that this (good) addiction is spreading.

Les sacs en tissus de Vera Bradley sont depuis longtemps populaires. 
Fondée il y a 27 ans par 2 amies, la compagnie reste la marque préférée des américaines, jeunes et moins jeunes.
Les sacs sont lavables et hyper pratiques, ayant plusieurs poches intérieures et extérieures.
Maintenant les jeunes filles de 12 et 13 ans ont elles aussi découvert les sacs VB.
Quelques photos prises à 8:30 dans la bibliothèque où je travaille.

So, what do you commonly see at 8:30 AM in the McCullough library?

Way to go Lady Highlanders!

mardi, février 14, 2012

Library Life

Technology is an ever increasing part of a librarian's daily life. In fact, a librarian is now called a "Library/Media Specialist" and is expected to know and teach the latest technology.
The McCullough Junior High Library will soon offer e-readers to students.
New technology will not push away books, but will enhance students' reading experience.
So in honor of books and the many duties librarians are asked to perform, here is a short video you may find interesting....

Check the link below...

Ever wondered why library gals look so glamorous?
Check out our secrets!

Beauty Tips'n Helpful Hints

Happy Valentine's Day Y'all!